Stormwall: WIP #3 and Nemo3 with Stormsmiths

June 26th, 2012

Not a lot of progress last night.  Got the Glorious Gold base coat down over the Brassy Brass and that was it.  There will be a lot of touching up to do on the Pig Iron sections I started with.  Something about the size and complexity of this model is causing more errant brush strokes that normal.  I read another blog that mentioned a similar occurrence, so at least it’s not just me.  Because of this phenomenon I’ve decided to base coat everything first, rather than finishing inner sections completely and working my way out.  Once all the bases are done I’ll go back and fix all the messy sections then dive into highlighting and shading.

Glorious Gold basecoat



Stormwall: WIP #2

June 25th, 2012

Painting has begun on the Stormwall.  Wow, there is a lot of model to cover, even laying down the initial metal base coats is taking a while.  I am a slow painter to begin with, so increasing the surface area this drastically has really taken it’s toll.  Below are a couple shots showing the base coats of Pig Iron and Brassy Brass.  For the guns, cannons and some of the accents I mixed Thamar Black with the Pig Iron to give them a darker base.  The Brassy Brass will be covered with Glorious Gold as I do for all my models.  The Brassy Brass gives excellent coverage and provides a great undercoat for the Glorious Gold.

Pig Iron and Brassy Brass base coats



Stormwall: WIP #1

June 22nd, 2012

Having acquired a Stormwall at Lock & Load, getting it assembled, painted and on the table has been my top Warmachine priority. Unfortunately a week of traveling interrupted early progress, but I’m rolling along now.

Mostly assembled and based



Lock & Load 2012: Recap

June 19th, 2012

Wow, what a great time that was. I was successful in all of my goals: I attended lots of seminars, won a coin in the P3 painting competition, played a few games and met the guys from HCO.

Inside the PP store, no frills, just lots of product

My first morning was spent queuing for over an hour in order to purchase a Stormwall. I also picked up a Nemo3 and some more faction patches. Then of course I needed BattleFoam for my colossal and some half trays to fill out the room left from the Stormwall foam. Getting my suitcase packed with all of this proved to be a real challenge. (more…)