Hoarluk Doomshaper, Shaman of the Gnarls

August 11th, 2014
Hoarluk Doomshaper, Shaman of the Gnarls

Hoarluk Doomshaper, Shaman of the Gnarls

We’ve just wrapped up a Journeyman League at the new store (Storytellers in Utica, NY) and I decided go with Trollbloods, a chance to get some more play and painting time in.  I went with the alternate battle box which consists of Doomshaper1, Mauler, Pyre, Storm.  First up I tackled the warlock, having previously painted Doomshaper2, I was on familiar territory with this one.  Overall it was a fun model to paint, but I’m never a fan of painting the “bundle-o’-scrolls’ that some trolls come with. As with all my Troll warlocks I put Doomie on a resin slate base and finished it off with a swamp motif.

All the scrolls!

All the scrolls!

I had a great time playing Doomshaper1, as the league grew I evolved my list into Runes of War.  I never managed to get work out of my Runeshapers, but Doomie was an all-star.  Stranglehold was cast many times, particularly in those initial low point games.  And the feat is a great way to protect my beasts either from the opponent’s alpha strike or from reprisal after my alpha.  Rampager was also a great spell to have in the Hordes match ups.


Gorman Di “Sea” Wulfe

January 22nd, 2014
The Sea Wulfe, astride the deck of a ship.

The Sea Wulfe, astride the deck of a ship.

And here’s the completed PG-exclusive “Sea” Wulfe.  It’s been finished for a while, but I needed PG_oxyguy to see it first in person.  With delivery complete, here’s a couple of pics that don’t really do it justice. (more…)


Captain Allister Caine

November 14th, 2013
Captain Allister Caine, from the trenches

Captain Allister Caine, from the trenches

Following on from my Caine2 repose, I’ve completed the paint job.  I think it came out well, though I’m not thrilled with the face, but the sculpt of the face only gives you so much to work with.  This model comes on the heels of my painting seminar with Meg Maples in Toronto.  I spent time concentrating on the two-brush blends and the usual dark shadows and bright highlights. Seeing it painted I really like how the repose came out.  It feels like he’s in the trench, defending his position by mowing down incoming infantry. (more…)


Taryn di la Rovissi

September 12th, 2013
Taryn in Murderous Magenta

Taryn in Murderous Magenta

After the recent errata that made Taryn’s Shadow Fire ability work for all (not just friendly-faction) models, she’s become a new weapon for Cygnar’s shooty casters.  A model she hits with Shadow Fire now does not block LOS for anyone. eCaine and Kara Sloan no doubt shared more than few libations celebrating this one.  I decided to put her in my Sloan/Stormwall list and wanted to get her painted up.  I used her in a tournament, but sadly I didn’t quite get her all painted in time.  Nevertheless I did still use her to make the Retribution Colossal not block LOS to get a Sloan shot off on their caster dealing significant damage.  Sadly Reinholdt had died earlier, so there was no reload to be had and no way to finish off what would have been a fine assassination.

Cape was based with the airbrush

Cape was based with the airbrush

I used the airbrush to base the model in Murderous Magenta, a nice change of pace from the studio model which is a bland combination of black and brown.  I really like how the cape came out and the color scheme in general worked well.  Not a fan of her eyes though. They seem a little too Kewpie Doll and not enough mercenary.