Dark Sword Miniatures

August 27th, 2016
Shifter Monk-Ranger

Shifter Monk-Ranger

For a new D&D 4E campaign I am playing a Shifter who is a Hybrid Monk/Ranger.  Aside from making life difficult on myself by pulling material from all three PHBs, I also needed to find a miniature that would fit that description.  I scoured the internet until I stumbled across Dark Sword Miniatures.  They have a massive selection of miniatures, so massive I wouldn’t stand a chance of just browsing through and finding just what I needed.  Thankfully they have have Miniature Finder that allows you to specify things like race, gender, weapons, etc.  I quickly narrowed down my options and found Male Ranger with Sword/Wineskin Options (DSM7403).  Perfect!

As the name suggests, he came with two left hand options: a wineskin and a sword.  My Monk-Ranger doesn’t use melee weapons, so wineskin was just fine.  The miniature was total of 4 pieces, including the extra hand.  So I pinned the hands on, a delicate matter, but not impossible. The miniature is very well sculpted with lots of nice detail, but not so much as to make painting laborious.

I used my P3 paints, but I did prime him white instead of black like I typically do.  This made painting all the bright colors easier, especially the orange.  I think it helped with the face as well, I haven’t painted a fur-colored face before and having that white base helped keep the whole face bright.


I chose the loincloth area to really express the Monk idea and went with a bright orange/blue combination.  The large green cape should be enough to keep the Ranger side concealed in the woods.


Somehow while painting him I managed to break off the back half of the bow at the hand.  No idea how I managed that, but I got it pinned back on and it’s unnoticeable.

August 27th, 2016