Krielstone Bearer & Scribes

September 6th, 2013
Full Krielstone unit

Full Krielstone unit

The primary support unit in most Troll lists, the Krielstone Bearer and Scribes are now painted.  As with all units they were kind of a drag to paint.  There is a surprising amount of detail on the scribes once you factor in all their scrolls and pouches and embossed leather armor.


Reverse of the different Krielstone bearer and scribe models

Reverse of the different Krielstone bearer and scribe models

These models represent a couple of first.  They are the first Trollblood unit I painted.  They are also the first models I used my new airbrush to varnish.  It’s remarkably faster than doing it with a brush.  A few minutes including cleanup time and I had two coats of gloss and a coat of matter on them.  I did hit a snag where I ended up covering the bases in matter, but I needed them to be shiny to keep that wet-swamp look.  So I had to go back in with the gloss again to bring back the shine.

Stone Scribe Elder

Stone Scribe Elder

As if painting a unit wasn’t painful enough I decided to do the UA Stone Scribe Elder at the same time.  Only while cropping this picture did I realized I forgot to paint the rocks on his chin.  I’ll have to go back in and take care of that the next time I’m doing Troll chin rocks.  While the standard scribes had a lot of detail, it was nothing compared to the number of scrolls and rocks and decorations on the elder.  I found his eyes impossible to paint as they are so recessed into his head I can’t see them and put a brush in at the same time.  I’m guessing they are mostly just black.


September 6th, 2013
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