Learning Trollbloods: Things I Forgot…
May 17th, 2013
Got to play my first Trollblood (and therefore first Hordes) game on Tuesday. While I remembered a lot of important things, I also forgot some too. I took a minute to write them up in an effort to reinforce them in my memory.
First a quick look at my 50-point list:
- Hoarluk Doomshaper, Rage of Dhunia +6
- Trollkin Runebearer 2
- Trollkin Axer 6
- Dire Troll Mauler 9
- Earthborn Dire Troll 10
- Mulg the Ancient 12
- Janissa Stonetide 3
- Troll Whelps 2
- Trollkin Fennblades (max) 8
- Fennblade UA 2
- Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress 2
Things I Forgot
- Janissa Has Steady
- I made at least 6 tough rolls with Janissa. Since I forgot she had Steady she was knocked down each time. In order to put the wall back up I was forfeiting her movement to stand and using the action to put up the wall. If I had remembered Steady I could have used her movement to relocate to a safer position. Instead it kept her and eDoomie pinned to the same location.
- Spawn Whelps
- Early on I kept forgetting that I had brought whelps and that I could spawn them when my beasts took damage. This wasn’t too critical as they came in handy in the later game.
- Better Fury Math
- Two Fury Short: I used eDoomie to cast an additional Transmute, but forgot to take that into account when advancing first turn, should have riled for a couple more.
- One Fury Over: Used the Runebearer to cast a spell at one less, but forgot to take that into account during my initial math.
- Seven Fury Over: This one I knew the risks going in. It was an especially big push to clear our a lot of important models, so I decided to push my three remaining beasts hard. It could have been better if I hadn’t left four on eDoomie. There was probably a Primal Shock target that I could have attempted to drop two and still have two transfers, which would have left me 5 over.
- Runebearer Activation Order
- In order to reduce the warlocks spell cost by 1, the Runebearer needs to activate before the warlock. I think I only got that correct once the entire game.
- Double or Triple Wild Aggression (Doomie + Runebearer)
- It occurred to me toward the end of the game that Doomshaper could put Wild Aggression on one beast, that beast could activate, then the Runebearer could activate and cast it on another beast, giving two beasts the benefits of Wild Aggression on the same turn. Even better would be to upkeep on one beast, activate it, then activate Doomshaper to cast it on another beast, activate that beast, and follow it up with the Runebearer casting it on a third beast, for three Wild Aggression beast activations in one turn.
- Free Dire Troll Animus
- There were several turns where I failed to use eDoomie’s ability to cast a Dire Troll animus for free. On all of those turns it would have been wise to at least put Transmute on Doomshaper himself, as it would have helped with the number of Galleon shots he was taking.
Things I Remembered
- Fennblades Vengeance
- I always remembered to take Vengeance moves with the Fennblades, even though most often a lot of them were knocked down and couldn’t take advantage. I did get one good move/attack out of it to take out some Nyss Hunters.
- Fennblades Mini-Feat
- Though I never had the chance to use it, I always took a moment to consider whether I should mini-feat. But every turn the Fennblades had plenty of targets in range, so I kept it in reserve in hopes of getting a surprising push off the flank.
- Comfort Food
- I used a whelp for comfort food to wipe out the Fury on my Axer, which otherwise would have been left full. That turn he then Threshered killing Thor Steinhammer and eventually took out a Bokur.
- Hyper-Regeneration
- Doomshaper took a lot of damage in this game, some he transferred and some he took. I did remember Hyper-Regeneration to get some points back.
- Snacking
- I ate three living models healing Mulg and the Mauler at different points in the game.
- Mulg’s Doomshaper Affinity
- I used the last swing to take out a Galleon. Mulg started with 2 fury, but between +3 damage from the Mauler, 2 initials, 3 buys and the affinity, I was able to wreck the colossal before it wrecked Mulg.