Dr. Arkadius

February 14th, 2013
Dr. Arkadius

Dr. Arkadius


Painted a model for a local gamer who is taking up Minions.  I didn’t like the blue (looked too much like Cygnar’s Arcane Blue) in the studio scheme, so I decided to go with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ooze color for his tubes.  Mainly because Minions with the turtles, pigs and crocs remind me of Ninja Turtle enemies.


Better view of the TMNT Ooze cylinders

Better view of the TMNT Ooze cylinders

The jacket based around Traitor Green.  I decided then the trim needed some red to help contrast with the green, so I went with Bloodstone for the trim, including free-handing trim around the rolled up sleeves.

I experimented with Army Painter Poison Ivy on the model’s right side to help add to the feel of a swampy location, along with the Army Painter Swamp Tufts. The Ivy was okay, but not what I expected.  Perhaps I needed something for it to climb vertically, but in this case it game a nice shrubby appearance.

February 14th, 2013
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