Lt. Allister Caine Reviewed on Hand Cannon

October 12th, 2011

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To facilitate the first installment of Ghool’s Graveyard, an article series I suggested over at Hand Cannon, I offered up my very own Lt. Allister Caine to be reviewed.  I mulled over which figure to send for a quite a while, but at last decided on pCaine since he was the last Warcaster I had completed and most folks will probably want to send in more centerpiece type figures like a Warcaster.  I had also considered my Stormclad or pStryker, but I didn’t feel like I would learn as much from a critique on them as I could from Caine.

Ghool’s review is great.  Very detail oriented with clear explanations of what to do where.  I am looking forward to seeing what our readers send in and picking up more tips from a pro.  Remember to send in nice, well lit pictures.  If you need some assistance, refer to my tutorial on miniature photography.

Check out the review of my Lt. Allister Caine:

October 12th, 2011
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